Programming nookie || Easter Egg *#746025625# dan beberapa ilmu bintang pagar yang lainya


Author : Mr.BroknH


Basi ya..:)

-[ N O O K I E ]-
Nokia 1610 and 1611
o In order to see the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
type: *#06#
Information that you get from the IMEI:

TAC = Type Approval Code (The 2 first digits are the countrys code)
FAC = Final Assembly Code (For Nokia FAC=10 or 20)
SNR = Serial Number
SP = Spare (the is always 0)

o For the firmware revision information type: *#170602112302#
Information that you get from the Firmware version:
V 05.15 (Software version
The last version is V 05.15 date 25-02-97)
25-02-97 (The date that the software was released)

Nokia 2110i

o To view IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number
type: *#06#
Information that you get from the IMEI:

TAC = Type Approval Code (The 2 first digits are the countrys code)
FAC = Final Assembly Code (For Nokia FAC=10 or 20)
SNR = Serial Number
SP = Spare (the is always 0)

o To view Week and Year of manufacture enter:

*#3283# (which is the same if you type *#DATE#)

The last two digits are the year. If the year is 95, the first two digits are the month. For 96 the first two digits are the week of the year.

o To view the software version on 2110e / 2110i enter:

*#170602112302# or *#9999#

On newer phones, the code has been changed to *#682371158412125#
Software UPDATED / NEW

LASTEST Version V. 5.70 (Not sure about the date)

Version V. 5.62 (05-05-97)

Version V. 5.31 (06-01-96)

The phone should display something like this:
V 5.31 (The software Version)
06-01-96 (The date the software was released)
NHE-4 (The type of the cellphone)

o Service Provider Lock <-- Mr.Brokn demen kata yg berbau "look"
The Service provider (SP) lock is used to lock the cell phone to the SP's SIM card. Once the cell phone is locked to a specific operator, if one inserts a SIM card from a different operator the phone will refuse to accept it. The cell phone will however accept another SIM card from the same operator.

All Nokia phones (2110 and newer) have four different SIM locks which can be used to lock the phone for upto 4 different providers. But most phones with restriction only have one lock activated. ( lock 1)

The main code used in Nokia phones is:

#pw+(master code)+Y#

This code is able to check, activate or remove Sim card restriction (SP-lock).
Use the * key to get the p, + and w chars.
'Y' has to be 1,2,3 or 4 - depending of what lock you what to deal with.

The 4 Lock types:
#pw+1234567890+1# for Provider-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+2# for Network-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+3# for Provider(???)-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+4# for SimCard-Lock status

(master code) is a 10 digit code, based on the phones IMEI number.
NOTICE: If you decide to play with these Locks

o Bypass the SP lock
With a Nokia 16xx/21xx/31xx/51xx/81xx that are SIMlocked to one provider you can bypass the SP lock like this:

1) Insert sim card of diferent provider.
2) Turn on the phone and press the UP VOLUME key for 3 sec. then release it and the phone says PIN CODE ?
3) Press the "C" key.
4) Then Press * and wait until it desapear and apear again, then press * one more time and 04*PIN*PIN*PIN#

The phone now says: PIN CODE CHANGED (or ACCEPTED) and the SIM card is accepted until you restart the phone again. Thanks to CrashOut for the information.

o DTMF tones
Pressing Menu, then Green Phonebutton allows you to transmitt DTMF tones

Nokia 3110
o In order to see the IMEI type: *#06#
Information that you get from the IMEI:

TAC = Type Approval Code (The 2 first digits are the countrys code)
FAC = Final Assembly Code (For Nokia FAC=10 or 20)
SNR = Serial Number
SP = Spare (the SP is always 0)

o For the firmware revision information type: *#3110#
Information that you get from the Firmware version:
V 07.11 (Software version
The last version is V 08.11 date 27-02-98)
24-09-97 (The date that the software was released)
NHE-8 (Type of the cellphone)

o Things you can do with warranty codes: type: *#92702689#
(which is *#war0anty#). When it asks you for a warranty code type:
(All warranty codes are followed by the key OK)
6232: for the month and the year that the fone was manufactured
7332: for the date that it was last repaired
7832: for the date that it was purchased
9268: for the serial number (SN)
37832: Set the Purchasing Date MMYY (it can be used only once)
87267: Transfers ALL phone numbers, pictures, sounds from one phone to another. With 6110 u can transfer all data via IRport.

o In order to stop the SIM-Clock type: *#746025625# (which is *#sim0clock#) <-- magic number

o In order to restore the default settings on the fone type: *#7780#
(This doesn't affect the memory or the language)

o In order to put the Fast Silent Mode go to menu and type: #
This function works on software version v.7.11 and earlier.

Nokia 5110
o In order to see the IMEI type: *#06#
Information that you get from the IMEI:

TAC = Type Approval Code (The 2 first digits are the countrys code)
FAC = Final Assembly Code (For Nokia FAC=10 or 20)
SNR = Serial Number
SP = Spare (the SP is always 0)

o For the firmware revision information type: *#0000#
V 04.51 (Software version)
26-03-98 (The date of the software release)
NSE-1 (Type of the cellphone)

o For the Service-Provider's lock the information are the same as in Nokia 2110 except that in earlier than v.5.04 versions the unlocking procedure doesn't work.

o Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR):
Enter *3370# and EFR will be activated after a reboot of the phone ( consumes more power )
Off: Enter #3370# and EFR will be switched off after a reboot of the

o Half Rate Codec:
Enter *4720# and Half Rate coded will be activated after a reboot of the phone ( better standby time )
Enter #4720# and Half Rate coded will be de-activated after a reboot of the phone
NOTICE: Enhanced Full Rate will give you much better sound quality when you enable it. The new Enhanced Full Rate CODEC adopted by GSM uses the ASELP (AlgebraicCode Excitation Linear Prediction) compression technology. This technology allows for much great voice quality in the same number of bits as the older Full Rate CODEC. The older technology was called LPC-RPE (Linear Prediction Coding with Regular Pulse Excitation). Both operate at 13 kilobits.(but you take up more space on the network, so they can charge you more) - Talk-time is reduced with about 5%.
Half Rate will give you bad soundquality, which gives the serviceprovider the opportunity to have more calls on the network, and you might get a lower charge from them. - Will give you 30% longer talk-time.

o If you hold the key # while you are in the names list, the telephone number can be viewed larger.

o Send a SMS full of . (dots) the it'll go crazy when you scroll the received message in your 5110. It doesn't do any permanent damage, it only goes crazy if you scroll the SMS. I'm not sure if it works with all of the software version but it works with 4.59. Doesn't work on SW version 4.53 ..

o Build you own Nokia data suite cable:
The cable consists of four parts, the RS232 (DB9 Serial) connector, the 3.3volt power supply, the MAX 3232 IC and the phone connector.

The RS232 end supplies 12v via pins 4 and 7, through 2 (DI, D2) Schottky barrier diodes to a low power (500ma) 5 volt regulator, the 5v output goes through 3 diodes (D3, D4, D5), each of these diodes drops the voltage by 0.6v, so that about 3.3v is delivered to the MAX3232.

The MAX3232 is a 3volt version of the popular MAX232 TTL to RS232 convertor IC, that is used by a number of manufacturers for their interface cables. The 2V7 Zenner diodes hold the TX and RX date lines to the phone at a safe maximum limit of 2.7volts. Note that the capacitor on pin 6 of the IC has it's +ve lead to ground.

The hardest part to get hold of might be the phone connector, you might have to utilise a hands free connector..

Nokia 6110
o In order to see the IMEI type: *#06#
Information that you get from the IMEI:

TAC = Type Approval Code (The 2 first digits are the countrys code)
FAC = Final Assembly Code (For Nokia FAC=10 or 20)
SNR = Serial Number
SP = Spare (the SP is always 0)

o For the firmware revision information type: *#0000#
Sometimes the *#6110# works too.
Information that you get from the Firmware version:
V 3.14 (Software version
Last version is V 4.73 date 22-04-98)
28-11-97 (The date that the software was released)
NSE-3NX (Type of the cellphone)

o For the above information with only one command: *#92702689#
This shows in the first line the IMEI then the production date and the date that it was purchased and last the repaired date. It will be something like this:
447402514676390 (the IMEI)
Made 1298 (production date)
Purchasing date 1298 (self explained)
Repaired 0000 (repaired date)

o To activate the Enhanched Full Rate (EFR) type: *3370# and then reboot.

o To deactivate the Enhanched Full Rate type: #3370# and then reboot.

o Call Menu
In a call you can press and hold down the menu button for 3 sec. and a menu appears. (trasfer, mute etc.)

o You can check if the Sim-Clock can be Stopped only on the version 5.24 by entering *#746025625# (which is *#sim0clock#) <-- magic number Mr.Brokn

o A small bug: when editing a sms the cursor is one character more to the right on the display.

o For the Service-Provider's lock the information are the same as in Nokia 2110.

o Half Rate Codec:
Enter *4720# and Half Rate coded will be activated after a reboot of the phone ( better standby time )
Enter #4720# and Half Rate coded will be de-activated after a reboot of the phone
NOTICE: The infos about HRC and EFR are the same as in 5110.

o 61XX Serial Cable
Build you own Nokia data suite cable:
The cable consists of four parts, the RS232 (DB9 Serial) connector, the 3.3volt power supply, the MAX 3232 IC and the phone connector.

The RS232 end supplies 12v via pins 4 and 7, through 2 (DI, D2) Schottky barrier diodes to a low power (500ma) 5 volt regulator, the 5v output goes through 3 diodes (D3, D4, D5), each of these diodes drops the voltage by 0.6v, so that about 3.3v is delivered to the MAX3232.

The MAX3232 is a 3volt version of the popular MAX232 TTL to RS232 convertor IC, that is used by a number of manufacturers for their interface cables. The 2V7 Zenner diodes hold the TX and RX date lines to the phone at a safe maximum limit of 2.7volts. Note that the capacitor on pin 6 of the IC has it's +ve lead to ground.

The hardest part to get hold of might be the phone connector, you might have to utilise a hands free connector..

Nokia 8110 & 8110i
o In order to see the IMEI type: *#06#
Information that you get from the IMEI:

TAC = Type Approval Code (The 2 first digits are the countrys code)
FAC = Final Assembly Code (For Nokia FAC=10 or 20)
SNR = Serial Number
SP = Spare (the SP is always 0)

o For the firmware revision information type: *#8110#
an example of what you will see:
V 24.23 (Software version.
The last version is V 34.23 date 22-10-97)
08-08-97 (The date that the software was released)
NHE-6 (The type of the cellphone)

o Things you can do with warranty codes: type: *#92702689#
(which is *#war0anty#). When it asks you for a warranty code type:
(All warranty codes are followed by the key OK)
6232: for the month and the year that the fone was manufactured
7332: for the date that it was last repaired
7832: for the date that it was purchased
9268: for the serial number (SN)
37832: in order to set the date that it was bought (it can be used only once)
87267: Transfers ALL phone numbers, pictures, sounds from one phone to another (eg. if broken) with 6110 u can transfer all data via IRport.

o For the Service-Provider's lock the information are the same as in Nokia 2110.

o New Ring Tones Same as in 6110.

o A business card is a special SMS message which is composed as following:

o In order see if you can stop the SIM-Clock type: *#746025625# <-- magic number
(which is *#sim0clock#)

Nokia 9000 & 9000i
o In order to see the IMEI type: *#06#
Information that you get from the IMEI:

TAC = Type Approval Code (The 2 first digits are the countrys code)
FAC = Final Assembly Code (For Nokia FAC=10 or 20)
SNR = Serial Number
SP = Spare (the SP is always 0)

o For the firmware revision information type: *#682371158412125#
an example of what you will see:
V. 4.01 (Software Version
Last version for the 9000 is V. 4.01 date 15-09-97
Last version for the 9000i is V 6.34 date 16-09-97
15-09-97 (The date that the software was released)
GE9 (The type of the cellphone)

o To see the week and the year that the phone was manufactured
type: *#3283#

Other Nokia CellPhones
o Nokia 6120 / 6160 / 6162 (TDMA phones)
*#92772689# for checking ISDN number.
*3001#12345# for field test mode and nam selection..and some other
*#9999# shows the SoftWare version.

o Nokia 6190
*#6190# shows the SW version.
*#92772689# (after removing the analog module) shows service menu.
*3001#12345[OK] to enter test mode.
*#639# to change NAM.

o Nokia 6150
*#0000# shows the Software version.
*#92702689# to enter servicemenu.

Capek ngetik nya......., kpn2 disambung lagi. Maklum kepala gue lagi pusinx.

The Soda Pop